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印「蹈」體驗班 Bollywood Dance Session

27 September 2024

寶萊塢舞蹈是印度電影中常見的舞蹈,具有充滿活力、高度戲劇化的風格。 它結合了古典舞蹈形式,包括傳統印度舞、民間舞、肚皮舞,同時也融入了更多現代西方形式,如嘻哈、爵士樂和放克等。

今次工作坊中,來自印度的舞蹈藝術家 - Uday,將會教授寶萊塢舞蹈的文化背景及基礎舞步,帶大家從節拍中感受豐富的印度色彩。


第一節:2024年9月20日 (五)
第二節:2024年9月27日 (五)

時間:6 - 7:30 pm
場地:Block E, Dance Room

⼋⼗後,⽣於印度,⼋歲開始習舞, 2000年在印度開始獨⽴編舞、舞者與教育舞蹈 ⽣涯,南印度安得拉邦政府⽂化部認可的舞蹈藝術家。 Uday 受邀在世界不同地區舉 辦專業舞蹈⼯作坊及表演,從中建⽴了他的視野和不斷思考舞蹈的定義。

為更有系統地記錄你於校園生活的參與、成就及貢獻,我們會將你參加本計劃的活動 時數,記錄在你的「經驗學習及成就報告表 (ELAT)」之全球及文化增益範疇內。如欲了 解有關「經驗學習及成就報告表 (ELAT)」的詳情,請瀏覽:

Bollywood dancing is a colourful, dynamic and highly theatrical dance style seen in Indian films. It combines classical forms of dance including traditional Indian, folk, salsa, belly-dance while also incorporating more contemporary western forms such as hip hop, jazz and funk.

In this workshop, Uday, an Indian dance artist, will teach us the history and basic routine of Bollywood dance, which allows students to discover Indian culture.

(No prior dance experience required)

Attend either one session or both:
Session A - 20 Sep 2024 (Fri)
Session B - 27 Sep 2024 (Fri)

Time: 6 - 7:30 pm
Venue: Block E, Dance Room
Language: English

Born in India, Uday Sathala started his dance training at the age of 8, and began his artistic career as an independent artist since 2000 and recognised by the Government of Andhra Pradesh – Department of Culture. Uday was invited to conduct his professional dance trainings in various countries, including India, Bangkok, Vietnam, Singapore, Fiji, Mainland China and Hong Kong through which he built up his own vision and aspiration in dance.

ELAT hours will be given to participants of this activity. For details of the ELAT, please visit:

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